How I fund my studies: second-year student Fern
20 March 2024

Funding your studies is a key factor in your decision to study at Norland because we are a specialist provider with a highly vocational programme which gives you access to a career like no other!
Our fees are above those of a standard degree programme and we know that it can be challenging for some to understand how they can fund their studies. There are a range of ways our students do this – from the comprehensive Emily Ward Bursary scheme, getting support from family members to saving money in advance of enrolment and earning while learning. Most will opt for a combination of these.
In the past five years, almost £1m in bursary funding has been awarded to students, meaning one in four students receive financial support from Norland. One of those students who received a bursary across the three years of degree study is second-year student Fern. She reflects on the importance of the bursary as a self-funded student and the other ways she funds her studies, enabling her to access the “opportunities that Norland opens [which] completely outweigh the fees.”
“My name is Fern. I am in Set 46 and come from Poole in Dorset. Prior to Norland, I achieved my Level 3 qualification in childcare at college and spent a year nannying in New York. It was my year in the US that made me decide to become a nanny and pursue a career through Norland. I returned to the UK in November 2021 and applied to Norland. I worked as a Special Educational Needs (SEN) 1:1 Assistant in Durham while I waited to begin my Norland journey.

“I heard about Norland through my Duke of Edinburgh leader. I have always had a passion for working in childcare ever since I started teaching swimming to 14-year-olds. I love supporting children to develop, thrive and achieve their goals. It’s amazing to be able to make education fun and watch how happy children are when they reach their next steps. Working in childcare is so rewarding.
“I have loved every part of my Norland journey so far. The course is amazing. I like how it’s so varied between the food and nutrition and sewing classes to the academic lectures and all the hands-on experience we get from our placements. These experiences are so valuable and have allowed us to work with so many age groups.
“One of my favourite placements so far was my week on a hospital maternity ward. It was so eye opening to be able to see a child’s journey right from the start of their life. Doing all the mum and baby checks was such a privilege. This placement landed on my birthday week, so I got to see all the children being born with the same birthday as me.

“The Emily Ward Bursary is extremely important to me. Without this, I wouldn’t be able to attend Norland and continue in my studies. I feel so grateful to have received a bursary as a fully self-funded student.”
“I fund my studies in various ways. I have a half bursary which covers a portion of my fees to study at Norland. Additionally, I have a tuition fee loan of £6,165 which covers some of my Norland fees. I pay the remaining fees off with money I earn through work outside of Norland.
“During my first year, I completed lots of work through the Marvellous Babysitting app. I’ve also been a swimming teacher since I was 14 and the lessons fit nicely around the Norland timetable (9.30am-3.30pm) and pays better than most part-time jobs I know of! For six hours a week, I am paid £22 an hour. It’s a great addition to the childcare experience I gain from nannying, and all placement families seem very happy knowing I’m a swimming instructor and often ask if we can go swimming during my placements.
“Additionally, I have a Student Finance maintenance loan which covers all my rent and bills, so all I pay for is food. Any left-over maintenance at the end of the year, I put toward the Norland course fees for the following year.
“Last year, Norland provided a further £1,000 as a one-off contribution to support students with the cost-of-living crisis which meant so much to me and helped hugely with funding the course. Norland has many amazing ways of supporting student wellbeing. During my first year, I spoke to the Student Support and Wellbeing Manager weekly, who was lovely and always welcoming. She helped me through any academic problems I was having, as well as financial issues. She arranged a meeting with the finance team at Norland, and we made a plan to help me look at my budget.

“One of my aims is to become published. At Norland we have so many inspirational lecturers who undertake research and have lots of published papers, ranging from academic work, which I use and read for my studies, through to children’s books.”
“At Norland, you never feel alone. There are so many clubs and socials to become a part of. They occasionally put on breakfast for us, and the pizza nights are so fun! During the evenings, we play games such as bingo or trivia. This also helps financially as it’s one less meal to plan for. Similarly, doing Food and Nutrition at Norland also takes one dinner out of the weekly shop as I always eat the nutritious food we prepare for dinner that evening and all ingredients are provided by Norland.
“I go to two clubs that Norland helps to fund for me: the climbing club and the aerial and pole classes. With the climbing club, we travel to Redpoint or Flashpoint every other week for bouldering and rock climbing. Norland pay the entry fee and equipment hire for this, meaning it’s a great way to have affordable fun and exercise. Similarly, Norland contributes to the aerial and pole classes, making them much more affordable. Both clubs were set up by fellow students in my year. Each year, Norland funds student-led activities.
“The Emily Ward Bursary is extremely important to me. Without this, I wouldn’t be able to attend Norland and continue in my studies and I feel so grateful to have received a bursary as a fully self-funded student. I had saved money prior to starting at Norland, which enabled me to pay off my first year and part of my second year. I will ensure I keep working hard to earn the money which will enable me to pay for my final year.
“Although sometimes balancing work and Norland and still having a student life can seem tough, I’ve been able to do it. Working in the summer makes it easier. During the summer and other holidays, I nanny for a family back home. I have been able to work with this family regularly and will be nannying for them again this summer.
“I am really enjoying my time at Norland and have even grown to love academic writing, which was challenging at first. I truly believe that all the hard work will be worth it in the future when I graduate.

“I 100% think that the opportunities that Norland leads to completely outweigh the fees.”
“This year, I have been thoroughly enjoying the research and academic side of the course at Norland and have been considering furthering my education after Norland by undertaking a master’s degree. I was therefore thrilled to hear that Norland is developing a master’s degree! Recently, I’ve been given an amazing opportunity to take part in an international study. This will take place during my first residential placement at Norland and is a research study on the Voices of Children with the Bright Start Project. This project links to an essay I wrote this year about gender bias as it will be looking at diversity, equality, inclusion and belonging. Furthermore, when the research is published, I will be named as a contributor which will be so great and look amazing on my CV if I continue to further my education and take on a master’s degree or PhD in the future. I am inspired by Dr Janet Rose and many of the other research-active Norland lecturers like Tamsin Grimmer and Dr Alex Morfaki, who are published. I view that as such an amazing achievement.
“I was also inspired by guest speaker Sylvia Ikomi, who came to Norland to discuss her PhD topic on the adultification of black girls in care. I found this very interesting and would like to research adultification further from the angle of children whose parents have separated through divorce. One of my aims is to become published. At Norland we have so many inspirational lecturers who undertake research and have lots of published papers, ranging from academic work, which I use and read for my studies, through to children’s books. I feel a great accomplishment would be to support the research for a book, which will then be used by students after me to complete their essays and assignments and further their early years knowledge and practice.
“To people who are considering Norland but are a bit anxious about overcoming the financial hurdles, I would say take a leap of faith and go for it. At first, I was so unsure as to how I could afford it here, but the finance team sat with me and were so helpful along with the amazing support of the student support team.

“The course is worth every penny; it is a great investment in your future. The money you will earn in the future when you have completed the degree and diploma will enable you to easily pay back your loans and more.
“I 100% think that the opportunities that Norland leads to completely outweigh the fees. Once qualified, the salaries are high, and you are always guaranteed work opportunities. Norland helps you to find families that fit the jobs and lifestyle you want, whether as a full-time, part-time, rota or holiday nanny. The Norland Agency can help find them for you.
“I love that Norland will always be there for me through my career whether it is to help me with finding jobs, professional issues I may encounter and the annual reunions they plan, enabling us to stay in touch with all our friends from our set.
“There is so much I am looking forward to in my future, such as my first residential placement, the skid pan driving course during employment weeks in our third year, and the annual Norland bake-off competition. I’m also so excited to start my Newly Qualified Nanny (NQN) year. After your first three years at Norland, once you have achieved your degree, it’s time to take part in the very exciting NQN year where you will achieve your prestigious Norland diploma. During this year, there are no course fees and you have the security of knowing Norland is there to support you through this well-paid employment year as well as all your future employment for life, as a fully qualified Norland Nanny. I’m so excited for my graduation when I can officially say I am a Norland Nanny!
“After Norland, I plan to nanny in the London or Kent area. I hope to find a family that will welcome me as part of the family, as so many families I’ve worked for have done.”