Discover how you could win a weekend in Bath and attend our May 2024 open day
Discover Norland
Are you a Year 10, 11, 12, 13 or Level 3 student in the UK (or international equivalent) with an interest in the early years, and fancy a weekend in Bath and an opportunity to find out more about Norland?
Norland is delighted to launch a competition to win a weekend in Bath coinciding with our open day on Saturday 18 May 2024 for Year 10, 11, 12, 13 and Level 3 or home-educated students, and their international equivalents. This competition offers prospective Norland students the opportunity to enjoy a weekend in Bath for two and attend our open day to find out more about our BA (Hons) Early Childhood Education and Care degree and Norland diploma integrated course.
The competition is now closed.
How to enter
- Provide a response to ‘What do you think is the most important value to share with children and why?’
- This could be a 500-word essay, a two-minute video, a photo slideshow or another creative response of your choosing.
- Enter by completing the form at the bottom of this page.
- The winning student will receive return travel for two from the UK mainland to Bath as well as two nights’ accommodation in a central Bath hotel and tea for two in the Pump Rooms on the weekend of 18 May 2024.
- Two runners-up will each receive a voucher (of their choice) worth £75.
- Entries must be received via the Norland website before midnight (GMT) on Wednesday 31 January 2024.
- Entries will be judged by the Norland competition panel, including members of the academic team.
- We would like to share select competition submissions on our channels including our website and social media accounts and will seek your consent to do so.
Prize terms and conditions
- Entrants to the Win a Weekend in Bath competition must be a current Year 10, 11, 12, 13 or Level 3 student enrolled at a UK school or college or home educated, or their international equivalents, on the competition closing date of Wednesday 31 January 2024.
- The winner will receive travel for two from a UK mainland location to Bath, two nights’ accommodation in a central Bath hotel and tea for two in the Pump Rooms on the weekend of 18 May 2024.
- Two runners-up will each receive a voucher (of their choice) worth £75.
- Prizes are non-negotiable and no cash alternative will be offered.
- In order to share the winner’s experience with contestants as well as prospective students, the winner will be asked to either write a travel diary (300 words minimum) accompanied by pictures, or a vlog that will be published on the Norland website and social media accounts.
- If the winner resides outside of the UK mainland, then travel will only be covered from/to a UK mainland location. All costs of international travel including any tourist visa requirements will be the full responsibility of the winner and Norland will not reimburse these.
Are you a teacher or careers adviser?
Teachers and careers advisers can get involved too. With your help, Norland hopes to reach out to as many students interested in studying and pursuing a career in the early years as possible.
We’ve created a poster for you to display in your school or college to encourage your pupils to enter which you can download via the button below.
Download poster
Watch Izzy's vlog
Izzy previously won the Win a Weekend in Bath competition and recorded a vlog to share her experience of her trip and attending the open day.
Watch what she got up to during her weekend.